3 person same-sex teams
Cost: $375 Per team + Fees (or $125 per athlete)
Divisions: RX, Intermediate, Scaled
Info needed for registration:
– Email address
– Team Captain: Name, address, phone, emergency contact, password
– Team Name: To be used during the event for team signs and scoring platform (Team Name cannot be changed after registration)
– Team Affiliate (Choose affiliate or independent)
– Names of team members, email addresses, and DOB (members can be switched out before the weekend of SSG)
– T-shirt sizes: Specify Unisex Tee or women’s tank (sizes cannot be changed after registration-trades will be allowed after team check-in if available)
– Payment info: Credit card type – exp date, 3-digit code, billing address
Refunds: Absolutely NO refunds for any reason. However, YOU CAN transfer your spot to another team. You just need to email colincartee@crossfitoc3.com to do so.
Athlete Substitutions: You may substitute your athletes as much as needed up until the day of the event. If you need to sub an athlete during the event, your team will be disqualified from placing but you may continue to compete for recreation